Sunday, October 7, 2007

Last Festival.....A Male Dancer....and One Crazy Mom

wow. what a day. it was our last festival, GladFest, and since we are a democracy at Hay and Barron, aka Gymboree Parkville, we voted and said no to next year at GladFest. Grant it, the people watching is superb and we were entertained at times, but even Jen and Angela and I have limits. so we packed up early on Sunday and high-tailed it out of Gladstone.
Last night was Elizabeth's bachelerotte party. It started off relatively calm, with penis nametag stickers. I got "Limpy" and wore him proudly. Jen and Ang and I took a quick break to go close down our tent at GladFest. I realized later I was still wearing my "Limpy" sticker. Classy.
Then it was on to the Hilton for the entertainment. I think that might be stretching it a bit, because this guy was not entertaining. Well, a little funny, but not attractive at all! And had a little belly. 'Come on dude. He obviously had stuffed his thong, which was a very worn American Flag thong. Should that be allowed? Isn't that disrespect to the flag? Craig had warned us that strippers stuff their thongs. He was so right, definitely a bean bag.
More to come, Jack "needs" to play his game!

1 comment:

Lissa said...

Too funny! You crack me up...sounds like it was blast!