Friday, October 12, 2007

Practice Night

Jack has referred to the rehearsal at church for the wedding and dinner as "practice". He even asked if he could wear his batting helmet. You never know when you could use a helmet.
He is excited because Grandma Renate came from St.Louis and is spending two nights with us, one night at our house and one night at the hotel. Apparently there is going to be a pillow fight and a swimming party at the hotel. And, Jack informed me that he doesn't want crab on his cakes, just cakes. Sounds good to me!
Helen, by the way, loved the dessert table at the rehearsal dinner. She could walk right up to the table, grab a piece of cake, and deliver it to the table with a big smile! "Cake!" A chip off the old block.
Time for bed, it is going to be a busy day tomorrow, starting with hair at 8am! Yikes!

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