Monday, October 1, 2007

One more festival weekend to go....

Oh Lord. It was Liberty Fall Festival this weekend and NASCAR...double doozie. Jack and Steve got to go watch to race on Saturday and Jack has been telling everyone that the winner was the Lowe's driver, #5. They both had a lot of fun. So, either side of our tent at Liberty Festival, we had the smokey joes. They were like chimneys and when the wind was blowing it was so smokey and stinky. I finally asked the one pleasant lady to please move away when she smoked, and if looks could kill, I would be dead. It didn't help. Oh well, I tried.
One more festival to go....Glad Fest, a personal favorite. Can you feel the sarcasm?
And then, the wedding bonanza weekend.....hold on to your smokes, folks.

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