Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No one tells you....

So, no one tells you about the 2nd day of Kindergarten. All the talk is about the first day, pictures, excitement. Jack woke up this morning and said he was not going to school today. "Not today, not any day, never again! I hate Kindergarten!" Sweet. It was 7:15am and I wasn't too hepped up about being up either, but hey, no one will hire a kindergarten drop out right?
With a lot of prodding, begging, pleading, bribing, and a tiny bit of yelling ( really just raising my voice, I don't yell :P ) we made it out the door and had a LOVELY drive to school. Jack told his aide that we was not going to school today. She said, "Ok, I was having trouble this morning too." Then Jack walked in, put his backpack away, smiled and walked to his seat.
WHY GOD? WHY? All before 8am this morning. Yikes.

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