Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No one tells you....

So, no one tells you about the 2nd day of Kindergarten. All the talk is about the first day, pictures, excitement. Jack woke up this morning and said he was not going to school today. "Not today, not any day, never again! I hate Kindergarten!" Sweet. It was 7:15am and I wasn't too hepped up about being up either, but hey, no one will hire a kindergarten drop out right?
With a lot of prodding, begging, pleading, bribing, and a tiny bit of yelling ( really just raising my voice, I don't yell :P ) we made it out the door and had a LOVELY drive to school. Jack told his aide that we was not going to school today. She said, "Ok, I was having trouble this morning too." Then Jack walked in, put his backpack away, smiled and walked to his seat.
WHY GOD? WHY? All before 8am this morning. Yikes.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Jack is a Kindergartner!

Jack is in Kindergarten. I cannot believe it. My stomach was actually twisting and turning as I drove him to school. However, his excitement was so great that I did not cry! Other parents and children were crying, but us Barrons were just beaming away! He was bummed that he couldn't stay all day and have lunch. Oh well, plenty of time for that. He came home with a handprint picture and poem from "The Kissing Hand" book which I of course will frame and keep forever. I love it. Here are a few pictures.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kindergarten is Here!

Wow! Jack starts Kindergarten tomorrow morning and I cannot believe that day has arrived. I am excited for him and a little bit sentimental and sad. Will the rest of his school days just fly by? I am surprised at myself that I am even a bit sad because so many days I have said to myself, "i can't wait until Kindergarten starts!" Now it is here, and I am wanting a few more days, weeks, years? with my little guy. But his excitement is awesome and I know he is going to love it. Pictures from the first day coming soon.....

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Redneck Days.....

So we have been exploring our redneck roots (I'm not sure if we have any...) We went to the state fair in Sedalia on Thursday with the cousins, including Madison, Cha Cha and Muddie. We met up with our friend Lindy and Wyatt. Lindy gave us the insider scoop to the fair! The kids had a lot of fun and were very good. They really enjoyed seeing all of the animals, especially the pigs. Jack enjoyed watching the pigs being judged. He climbed up into the stands and watched the judging like it was something he did all the time. All the while chatting up an older man who was probably shocked at his chattiness!
Friday night we went to the dirt track races at Lakeside Speedway with Uncle Bobby, Aunt Angela, the Hays and us Barrons. It was a lot of fun. Jack and Cam and Caleb wore their "cowboy stuff" and really fit in. They love all of the wrecks and the flying dirt and mud. Helen fell asleep to the sweet sound of the race cars. Poor Helen!
Here are a few pictures.....

Friday, August 1, 2008


So, Jack is 5 and therefore fascinated with his anatomy. Wow. He has told me recently, "there is a bone inside my penis." He also found an athletic cup at Target last weekend. He held it up and yelled across the aisle to Muddie, "It is for my penis, it protects my penis." Mom (Muddie) tried to convince Jack that he didn't need it quite yet. He wasn't buying it, he needed it! I tried to tell him that maybe it wasn't big enough, he might need a bigger size that they don't have at Target right now. He announced, "no, it's big enough, my penis is that big Mom." Wow, I am going to use that later in life!!! Helen then said, "I have a penis too." Hello.