Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring Princess Fairy, ChuckECheese and More....

The countdown has been on this week for Jack's birthday....his "real 5 year old birthday". I have been happy to see rain but hoping the backyard will dry out in time for his party! All those boys and mud= no fun for Mommy. :( It looks like it will be a good day all and all.
Helen, with the help of Brenden, dressed in her best baubles, wings, shoes and pacifier and did a dance around the living room. She loves an attentive audience!
Jack and Helen and I went to Chuck E Cheese on Thursday for an early birthday present. The mascot Chuck E Cheese was walking around....Jack was excited, as was I, but Helen was not too pleased. She clung to my leg and told Chuck E to "go away, I don't like you, you scare me". He was quite the stealth mouse, he appears so quietly and I have to admit it does freak you out a bit! We were crouched down by the ticket muncher and suddenly I look up at two large hairy legs and tennis shoes! Yikes, I see what Helen means. Jack was happy because Chuck E kept giving him free tickets. Back off Chuck E.....
Helen and Jack love the spring weather and had me take a picture of them eating popsicles on the back deck. So sweet, short lived, but still sweet. Awww.

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