Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Little Miss Chatterbox

Well, of course I don't know where she gets it from, but Helen has blossomed into quite the little chatterbox. She will talk to just about anybody who will listen (or not). She gets on these tirades which I can understand about half. Often they are directed at Sally the cat or one of her many baby dolls. And she has decided to emphasize any "s" sound in words. It must sound cool to her or something. "Yessssssssss" Our little snake.
Jack is actually becoming much more tolerant of Helen and has decided that most of the time she doesn't make too bad of a playmate. Desperate times call for desperate measures you know. And when he is hard up to play with somebody, Helen will sometimes do. It is sweet to watch. Until Helen tells Jack to get out of her room and shuts the door! Wow, talk about role reversal.

1 comment:

m said...

I love that Helen is being a little snake! She's so funny!