Saturday, January 19, 2008

Will the Snow Ever End?

I know children love the snow (well, Jack not so much Helen) but I am really done with it. And it is only January 19! It isn't even so much the snow as it is the dirty dirty slush that gets on everything and drips off of the kids shoes onto everything! I am a real baby about this, aren't I?
We had lunch today with Muddie at Ghenghis Khan. I think I spent most of the lunch on my feet. Either taking Helen (mostly Helen, at least 5 times) to the restroom or making numerous trips to get more fruit, more noodles, more everything! I like to think that I am actually in negative calorie mode by the time we leave, but I know that is a noodle dream. Helen has me here in a spot because of her potty training success......she will tell me she has to go potty when she wants to get up or doesn't want to get in her carseat, or whenever it works for her it seems. It is not like I can tell her "no" because she is potty training!!! And then the noodles are put on her head, and her nose, when is the last time Helen put food on her head?! So we leave Ghenghis Khan with greasy hair and a tired mommy. And we were sad because our favorite lady Jane was not there......apparently some kind of family business squabble, it isn't the same without Jane!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Jack and Helen at the Dentist

So I didn't think we would make it to the dentist because Helen was refusing to get dressed and leave the house. Finally, I managed to get her in the car seat (with a lot of bribing and crying from both of us) and we were on our way. Jack was ready to go back and sit in the chair, but Helen was clinging to me. I'm thinking, dear God, how bad will she freak out? Jack does amazing, truly amazing, doesn't even flinch. No Cavities! Looks good. Helen decides to sit in the chair, then says "I don't want to. I don't like it." Dr.Hoffman agreed to let her sit in my lap and lean back so he could just look at her teeth. She covered her ears and was not happy! I tried to convince her he wasn't going to touch her we find out perhaps one culprit for the cranky attitude is that she is getting her 2 year molars! Well, I guess Helen gets a pass on that today!

New favorite quote from Jack: (as he is going to sleep one night)
"Mom, I am going to make good choices. (long pause) What does that mean?"
I tried not to laugh.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy 2008!

Well, I think one of my resolutions should be to figure out how to better display our pictures on our blog! I know sometimes they are sideways, but I have never claimed to be a techy. We leave that job to Steve. It was back to work today for me, which was a bit of a shock to the system after a week and a half of taking our sweet time most mornings. I think we are partied out for a while and are ready to get back to "normal" life. Happy New Year!