Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Pictures

We took our Christmas pictures today. "We" was Helen, Jack, Muddie and me. It was a combination of getting Christmas pictures taken, Helen's 2 year pics, and a surprise for Steve's birthday. Well, they had to bring in an extra person because Jack was not wanting to get his picture taken. Finally, he cooperated, while Helen was posing the whole time!
They actually turned out pretty cute. Here are a couple of them......
While we were waiting we walked around the stores. Helen and I were outside of Hallmark while Jack and Muddie were shopping. She was running around too much inside the store so I thought we couldn't do much damage outdoors....right? She was walking on the ledge of the sidewalk when an old security guard walked by and said "Children are not allowed to walk on the ledge". Thanks buddy.

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