Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jack's Final Soccer Game

Wow! Jack's last soccer game (3rd of 3, long season) was great. He played so well and they all received a medal at the end of the game. Jack has been wearing the medal and showing it to anyone and everyone. He is very proud, so are we. Next month, it is flag football!
His team had coordinated a cook out, and Jack and Helen thought that was great. Nothing beats hot dogs, chips, mac and cheese, and cookies and cupcakes. Oh yeah.
Jack even scored a goal on the final game! Woo hoo!
Steve was super pumped, he thinks Jack was the best player on the team. He may be right. :)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Jack's 2nd Soccer Game

Jack had his second soccer game (the last one is Wednesday, long season, huh?) and he did pretty good. Once again, not really fast, but solid as a goalie. Hey, at least he isn't crying like half of the kids or just wanting to sit on the sidelines. He is in the game, loves to cheer and give high fives and thumbs up, and he enjoys the snack and drink time of course!
Helen runs on the field constantly and cannot be told no, it is Jack's game, your time will come! She wants to play, go say Hi to Jack, give him hugs, and give him his water. It is cute, but exhausting keeping up with her!
Maybe Helen will be the fast one.......
We'll see how the season (3 practices and 3 games) ends on will be a nail biter.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

BabyFest Bonanza

Yesterday was like running a marathon! Yowza. We loaded up at Gymboree around 7am and set up our tent for the Kansas City Baby and Child Expo at Zona Rosa. I got home at 7pm and was wiped. I was glad to see the kids and know that they had a fun day! Helen went with Muddie and Aunt Lizzie and Madison to the Weston Red Barn Farm and rode a pony! Jack was at his friend Seth's and with the cousins, so he was in heaven. We had a great response at the expo and met a lot of people, so I guess it was worth it.
This morning we are just hanging out watching Caillou and Elmo and having fun.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Longest Preschool Meeting

My goodness! We went to Jack's preschool information night tonight at 6:30 and did not leave until 8:30! Wow. Bobby was watching the kids and he called to see if we had forgotten our children. It was a lot of information and a lot of chatty parents......come on people! There is always one in the group who likes to ask strange questions and keep the whole group waiting. Wow. That's all I can say. My brain was on overload....and my stomach was on empty. Snacks, people, snacks! Preschoolers need snack time and so do I.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Jack's First Soccer Game

Wow! Jack had such a fun time, he had a big smile on his face the whole time. Jack makes an awesome goalie. He needs to work on his speed, but that will come with time.
He kept looking over to the sidelines of his fans (Mommy, Daddy, Helen and Muddie) and telling us to cheer and clap!
At the end of the game he proclaimed that he had scored 15 goals. I was impressed because I must have blinked and missed that. Oh well, it is good to have confidence, be proud, and have fun.

Jack's Field Trip to Red Barn Farm

Well, Jack and I went on his preschool field trip to Red Barn Farm this morning. It was a lot of fun, one of the highlights for Jack was riding on the school bus. He was very anxious this morning that we were going to be late and kept telling me to hurry up. Usually it is the other way around!
Jack enjoyed the first half of the tour led by farmer Gretchen but then lost interest and wanted to shop in the store. He did not care anymore about what pigs are used for, goats, donkeys, he wanted to get a pumpkin and an ornament "and maybe a little toy?"
We managed to sneak away from the group and go to the gift shop and find a John Deere toy and two drinks.....we were a little nervous because the head farmer had given us the rules at the beginning of the tour, and I knew we were breaking the rules....but I needed a Diet Coke, Jack needed a juice box and that John Deere truck!
The hay ride was fun, but not so much fun for my, I'm getting old! Jack was like "where are the freakin pumpkins?"
We loaded back on the bus and headed back for preschool and then Jack was starving! So we went to his favorite place "Noodles" (Ghenghis Khan) and had our little lunch date before Helen was dropped back off. Lots of fun for Mom and Jack :)
pictures to come......
we need to rest this afternoon Jack says because his first soccer game is tonight....Big Game!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Helen at Gymboree

Helen at Gymboree!

Helen at her party and Jack rides the mechanical bull!

What is up with my kids? They are so silly and I don't know where they get it must be Steve.

Jack plays Soccer

Jack is playing for the red team through the YMCA here in Parkville. He is really excited about soccer....flag football is next month. This is Jack after practice......

Helen is 2!

We are certainly crazy Barrons! Helen had a grand birthday weekend including 2 dog cakes.

Helen had a lot of fun and stopped opening presents once she discovered her new baby doll.


Hello! Welcome to our blogspot. I am jealous of those of you who started your blog during your pregnancies, but better late than never!
Jack is already 4 1/2 and Helen just turned 2, but I think this will be a fun way to keep track of what we crazy Barrons do and keep friends and family updated!
If you have any tips for me or suggestions, let me know since I am new to this.
Love, Katie, Steve, Jack and Helen